La Storia Di Henry Stone e Della TK Records -AlwaysCD.Com è Musica Disco,Funky,Afro,JazzFunk,AcidJazz,Soul And Groove


TK Records

TK Records Collection

The Complete Collection

The Best Of T.K. Disco
Volume 01

The Best Of T.K. Disco

Faith Presents T.K. Disco

George McCrae
We Dit It!

KC & The Sunshine Band

Henry Stone's Miami Sound
The Record Man's Finest 45's

T.K.Records Disco
Grooves Vol.01

T.K.Records Disco
Grooves Vol.02

T.K.Records 12''Inch
Disco Classics Vol.01

T.K.Records 12''Inch
Disco Classics Vol.02

T.K.Records 12''Inch
Disco Classics Vol.03

T.K.Records 12''Inch
Disco Classics Vol.04

Gregg Diamond's
Star Cruiser

KC & The Sunshine Band
The Bets Of

Jimmy "Bo" Horne
The Best Of

George McCrae
The Best Of

Peter Brown
A Fantasy Love Affair

Peter Brown

Peter Brown
Back To The Front

Peter Brown - Snaps

Peter Brown
The Best Of TK Years

The Best Of T.K.Records

T.K. Disco 45 Collection

Gwen McCrae Sings T.K.

The SalSoul Records
Complete Collection

PhiladeLPhia International
A Tom Moulton Remixes

Philly Re-Grooved
Tom Moulton Remixes

Philly Re-Grooved 2
Tom Moulton Remixes

Philly ReGrooved Vol.03

Disco Gold
A Tom Moulton Mix

Chic Organization
Box Set Vol.01
Savoir Faire

Mixed Whit Love
By Walter Gibbons

Italian Afro Funk Vol.01

Bob Mc Gilpin

The Last Night Of Disco
Dance Trax Volume 01

The Last Night Of Disco
Dance Trax Volume 02

Baia Degli Angeli
1977-1978 Vol.01

Italian Afro Funk Vol.01

Casablanca Record Story

For Dj's Only Rare
Extended Version Vol.01

Tommy Stewart
Make Happy Music

Double Exposure

Barry White Unlimited

Remastered Edition

Bionic Boogie
Bionic Boogie

The Best Of Patric Adams

The Mike Maurro
Peak Hour Remixes

Disco Modern Soul
And Boogie 1978-80

Groove 80 Volume 04

Nicky Siano's
Leggendary The Original
New York Disco 1973-1977

Back In Time Classics

Danny Krivit
Edits By MrK Vol.02

Danny Krivit
Edits By Mr.K Vol.01

Disco Forever
By Dimitri From Paris

Ohio Players
Everybody Up
Expanded Edition

People's Choice
We Got The Rhythm

MFSB - Deep Groove

Donna Summer
Bad Girl -Deluxe Edition-

Giorgio Moroder
The Best Of

The Salsoul Orchestra

Grand 12-Inches 12

The Mike Maurro
Peak Hour Remixes

Barry White
Just For You Lim.Edit

James Brown

Philadelphia International
Records The Collection

Philadelphia International

McFadden & Whitehead
Polishin' Up Our Act

Patrick Juvet
The Best Of

Ashford & Simpson
Stay Free
Expanded Edition


TK Records

Motown Records

Casablanca Reords

Prelude Records

The SalSoul Records

Solar Records





T.K.Records, casa discografica indipendente fondata agli inizi degli anni 70 a Miami, nel corso di un decennio fu in grado di lanciare artisti che successivamente divennero vere e proprie colonne portanti della Disco Culture mondiale. Con le sue produzioni la T.K.Records inventò un vero e proprio stile musicale riconosciuto ancora oggi come "Miami Sound" o Sunshine Sound. Il fondatore della T.K.Records fu Henry Stone, La grande passione per la musica di Stone risale ai tempi del suo servizio di leva, in quel periodo faceva parte della banda militare, e viste le sue capacità di suonare la tromba, si ritrovava spesso a suonare con Band Di Rythm and Blues formate esclusivamente da musicisti Afro Americani. Nel dopoguerra Stone si trasferì in California, li iniziò a lavorare per le case discografiche che rifornivano i Juke Box. Questa gavetta gli diede esperienza e denaro sufficiente per aprire la sua personale casa di distribuzione la "Tone Distrubution". Negli anni 40 si trasferì nuovamente, questa volta in quella che divenne definitivamente la sua Città adottiva Miami. Nei dieci anni successivi unitamente all'attività distributiva decise di aprire anche uno studio di registrazione, dal quale passarono musicisti del calibro di Ray Charles, James Brown ed Hank Ballard (l’inventore del Twist).

Fino alla fine degli anni 60 la "Tone Distrubution" fu una delle case di distribuzione più importanti degli States, fino al giorno che le note etichette Americane "Atantic Records", "Warner Bros Records" ed "Electra Records" si unirono in una sola Label la "WEA" e tagliarono fuori i loro distributori.

Henry senza l'appoggio di cui aveva goduto sino ad allora non si perdette d'animo e fondò a Hialeah, a nord ovest di Miami, in Floridala sua leggendaria T.K.Records. TK sono le iniziali di Terry Kane, l’ingegnere che poco più che ventenne, costruì lo studio di registrazione sopra l’ufficio di Henry, partendo con un banco a 8 piste, e non avrebbe mai immaginato che da quello studio, sarebbero usciti più di 25 dischi d'oro e oltre 100 milioni di dischi venduti in tutto il mondo. L’idea del logo in bambù fu dello stesso Stone e di uno dei suoi assistenti, Howard Smiley, la realizzazione grafica fu opera del grafico Page Wood.  Nel 1972 la T.K. sforna la sua prima produzione discografica su etichetta ”Glades” una delle tante sotto etichette inglobate dalla T.K.Records, e viene cosi pubblicata la mitica Why Can’t We Live Together di Timmy Thomas. Questo brano, che mescola atmosfere “Afro” all'inconfondibile suono dell'Organo Hammond, è stato poi ripreso negli anni a venire da tantissimi altri artisti. Il Brano raggiunse immediatamente il primo posto nella classifica di Billboard riservata alla black music e frutto guadagni enormi, alla nuova label.

Qualche tempo dopo Henry Stone conobbe un diciassettenne che in quel periodo lavorava in un negozio di dischi di Miami era il fattorino che andava nella sede della TK a ritirare le anteprime per poi metterle in negozio tutti lo chiamavano KC ma il suo vero nome era Wayne Casey. KC chiese a Henry di lavorare alla T.K.Records e lui lo ingaggio, fu un acquisto importante in quanto si rivelò fondamentale nei successi dell'etichetta. KC fu affiancato Rick Finch, che allora era un tecnico del suono. Da lì nacque un sodalizio artistico tra due giovani bianchi che composero musica nera per tra le più apprezzate e famose degli anni 70. Inutile dire che i due misero su quella che tutti conosciamo come una delle Band più famose del periodo Disco anni 70, la KC & The Sunshine Band. In verità come primo nome fu scelto "KC And The Sunshine Junkanoo Band", ma essento poco scorrevole decisero di cambiarlo in KC & The Sunshine Band.

Dopo un paio di singoli incisi nel 1973, che non ottennero un grande successo, nel 1974, Casey e Finch si palesarono in studio con una canzone nuovissima intitolata Rock Your Baby Henry Stone realizzò subito che si trattava di una hit, ma la tonalità in cui era stata scritta era troppo alta per la voce di Casey, così furono tutti d'accordo di trovare un artista, naturalmente sotto contratto T.K.Records, in grado di interpretarla nella giusta tonalità. La scelta cadde su Gwen McCrae moglie di George McCrae, La storia narra che il giorno in cui tutto era pronto per la registrazione del brano, Gwen non riusci a raggiungere lo studio perché bloccata nel traffico cittadino, allora fu fatta cantare a George McCrae che con la sua voce dai toni molto acuti rese il brano ancora più accattivante. Fu un successo planetario e visto che sia gli autori che il cantante erano sotto contratto T.K.Records, realizzare il brano costò solamente 20 dollari, e vennero venduti in tutto il mondo la bellezza di 6,5 milioni di copie!

Grazie agli introiti sulle vendite di Rock Your Baby si buttarono giù le basi per concretizzare il progetto KC & The Sunshine Band, cosi vennero aggiunti altri musicisti, Jerome Smith alla chitarra, Robert Johnson alla batteria e Femin Goytisolo alle Congas. L'album d'esordio "Do It Good" che conteneva i due singoli usciti nel 1973, e la hit Queen Of Clubs, ebbe più successo in Europa che negli USA, fu proprio questo insperato successo Europeo che spinse la Band ad effettuare il loro primo tour ma solamente in Europa. Il Tour fu anche l'occasione per inserire altri otto elementi tra musicisti e coristi in pianta stabile. L'album conteneva anche Get Down Tonight che nell'estate del 1975 fece esplodere il successo della Band anche negli Stati Uniti, arrivando al N°1 nelle classifiche. Si dice battere il ferro fin che è caldo, detto fatto, a soli due mesi di distanza venne pubblicato il secondo album intitolato solo KC & The Sunshine Band. Da questo secondo album ne usci quello che fece guadagnare alla Band il loro primo Disco di platino il brano, che anch'esso arrivò al N°1 delle classifiche, ed è il celeberrimo That's The Way I Like It.

Nel 1976 la KC & The Sunshine Band toccò l'apice del successo, creando anche la loro personale etichetta. Nasce così un’altra grande icona della Disco Culture degli anni 70. La "Sunshine Sound Disco" naturalmente distributiva della T.K.Records.

Per la KC & The Sunshine Band furono anni davvero gloriosi conquistarono ben 5 Grammys, pubblicarono il singolo Shake Your Booty, che come lato B aveva un brano che da solo poteva sostenere le vendite ed era Boogie Shoes che successivamente venne inserita nella colonna sonora del film dedicato alla Disco Music più famoso della storia, "Saturday Night Fever". Shake Your Booty venne inserito in seguito nel loro terzo album intitolato "Part 3" inutile dire che anche questo lavoro raggiunse la vetta delle classifiche in tutto il mondo anche perché in "Part 3" è contenuta una delle canzoni in assoluto più famose della Band la bellissima I’m Your Boogie Man. Arrivò la fine degli anni 70 e all'alba del nuovo decennio gli anni 80 la KC & The Sunshine Band seppe mantenere tutto lo smalto di cui era capace e sfornarono brani come Do You Wanna Go Party numero uno in classifica nel 1979, al quale si aggiunge una delle ballate più richieste, nella tanto agognata pausa lenti in discoteca, cover di un brano del 1975 di Frederick Knight, pubblicato su etichetta STAX Record intitolato Please Don’t Go.

Casey e Finch furono in grado, come autori, di scrivere e produrre anche per altri artisti come Jimmy "Bo" Horne per lui scrissero la famosissima Gimme Some, contenuta nell'album Dance Across The Floor del 1978, per Betty Wright composero Where Is The Love. Se alla T.K.Records viene insignito il merito di aver inventato il Miami Sound o Sunshine Sound, lo deve sicuramente a questi due grandi artisti Casey e Finch. che seppero unire il Rythm and Blues con i ritmi Afro-Cubani, tra Calypso e il ritmo Junkanoo, di origine africana molto popolare alle Bahamas non troppo lontane da Miami, tutto questo portò ad una fusione di musica che esplodeva in un energico Funky di sapore tropicale e arricchito dai suoni ritmici delle Congas, e una corposa sezione Fiati, all'insegna del divertimento puro.

La KC & The Sunshine Band era il gruppo di punta della T.K.Records, ma all'interno della Label circolavano tantissimi altri calibri da 90 che ottenevano altrettanto successo. Una delle furbate di Henry Stone fu quella di suddividere gli artisti in sotto etichette ciascuna delle quali aveva i suoi artisti di punta. Fu grazie a questa manovra imprenditoriale che le radio effettuavano lo stesso numero di passaggi per brano, in questo modo Henry riusciva a promuovere i propri prodotti senza correre il rischio di essere accusato di versare bustarelle ai Network Radiofonici Americani per trasmettere la sua musica, in quanto le Radio non erano propense a trasmettere troppi brani di una sola Label, per non essere a loro volta accusate di ricevere mazzette. Oltre alla "Sunshine Sound" che pubblicava le opere di KC e di Jimmy "Bo" Horne, la TK possedeva come sotto etichette anche la "Marlin", Label che in quel periodo pubblicava le opere delle Ritchie Family terzetto femminile che iniziò carriera a Miami, purtroppo però il loro manager, Jacques Morali già produttore e manager dei Village People, ebbe dei dissapori con Stone e le portò alla Casablanca Records di Neil Bogart. I brani più famosi delle Ritchie Family pubblicati su Marlin Records sono The Best Disco In Town, American Generation e Life Is Music. Altra sotto etichetta della TK era la "Cat Records" fondata da George McCrae e dalla moglie Gwen McCrae, Gwen nel 2006 pubblicò un album dove rivisitava alcuni dei più grandi successi della TK.

La "Dash Records" invece era l'etichetta di un'altro importante gruppo della T.K.Records, i T-Connection. I componenti della Band erano originari delle Isole Bahamas, e produssero innumerevoli successi, tra i più famosi spiccano Saturday Night e la mitica At Midnight,, con oltre tre minuti di intro in percussione, e questi tre minuti sono ancora adesso la gioia di tantissimi Deejay che si divertono a sovrapporte brani di ogni genere sulla stesura ritmica iniziale del brano.


La sotto etichetta "Drive Records" invece pubblicava le opere del suo fondatore un'altro incredibile artista sotto contatto T.K.Records il suo nome è Peter Brown, l’autore della famosissima Do You Wanna Get Funky With Me? cantante, e compositore, anche per altri artisti, fra le sue tante canzoni scritte spicca Material Girl di Madonna.

Timmy Thomas già autore Why Can’t We Live Together fondò la "Glades Records", mentre la "Juana Records", che Henry Stone distribuiva solamente, in quanto non ne era proprietario, produceva Anita Ward, famosa per la dolcissima Ring My Bell brano scritto da Frederick Knight da lui stesso reinterpretato nel 1981 su etichetta Juana Records.

Inoltre come sotto etichette T.K.Records c'erano anche: La Alarm Records, la Alston Records, la Amazon Records, l'APA Records, la Clouds Records, la Dade Records, la Fabulous Records, la Glades Records, la Gospel Roots Records, la Lester Radio Corporation, la Shield Records, e la Weird World Records.

Tantissimi brani di queste Labels venivano poi rilavorati da quella che veniva considerata la vera e propria macchina da Discoteca della T.K.Records, la T.K. Disco. la sezione T.K. Disco si occupava di realizzare le versioni 12''Inches Extended, o Remix che i Deejay utilizzavano in Discoteca. Questo rese ancora più interessante la produzione TK sia per le versioni Remix, che in moltissimi casi venivano realizzate da famosi Dj dell'epoca, che dell'accattivante grafica che accompagnava ogni Mix della Label, il famoso paesaggio tropicale disegnato da Page Wood e sovrastato dall'inconfondibile logo T.K. Disco in bambù.

Il Remix di Ring My Bell fu tra quelli di maggior successo, anche parché la versione Remix stravolse completamente la prima stesura, tutto questo avvenne a New York sotto le abili mani di Richie Rivera percussionista, autore e uno dei Dj più noti della grande mela in quel lontano 1978, Rivera, da bravo percussionista, arricchì la parte ritmica aggiungendo percussioni latine. Il brano divenne così un classico della Disco Music che ancora adesso funziona in Discoteca. Ma Ring My Bell per quanto successo planetario, non fu il più apprezzato a livello di vendite perché lo scettro del più venduto spetta al brano Do You Wanna Get Funky With Me? di Peter Brown, l’unico 12”Inches Extended della T.K. Disco a superare il milione di copie vendute solo come Disco Mix.

Il Decennio degli anni 70 per la T.K.Records fu davvero incredibile, prolifero e pieno di soddisfazioni discografiche sia per Stone che per gli artisti della sua scuderia, tutto questo fruttò una popolarità a livello mondiale. A minare tutto ci pensarono gli anni 80. Infatti nei primissimi anni 80 il nuovo sound che si imponeva sulle masse arrivava da un allora ancora semisconosciuto Dj di New York che migrato a Chicago impose una nuova sferzata di energia il suo nome era Frankie Knuckles l'inventore dell'House Music. Knuckles, forte delle esperienza fatta al Gallery (Locale fondato da Niky Siano) e al Paradise Garage di New York (Locale fondato da Michael Brody nel 1976 dove si esibiva il leggendario Larry Levan), realizza un suono completamente nuovo, legato alle melodie soul del passato, ma rivisitato in chiave elettronica. e crea un movimento energico che mette in crisi i vecchi suoni della Disco fu così che nacque L'House Music. A dare la mazzata finale ci pensò il network televisivo CBS che trasmise un programma a livello nazionale intitolato “Disco Is Dead” (La Disco è Morta), incredibilmente complice anche la voglia di novità, influenzò tantissimo milioni di persone che lo videro. Quella fu la molla che diede il via all'inesorabile declino della Disco Music negli Stati Uniti. Ma... come succedeva spesso negli anni 70 e 80 quello che avveniva negli States, l'Europa lo percepiva con notevole ritardo. Infatti nonostante la Disco Music perdeva colpi in America, nel vecchio continente era ancora più che mai viva e vegeta e fu proprio nel decennio degli anni 80 che la Disco ebbe il suo massimo splendore in Europa. Come sempre quando la nave affonda il più delle volte porta con se tutto quello che contiene, cominciò cosi la crisi di quasi tutte le Etichette che producevano esclusivamente musica Disco e tra queste anche la TK Recods. Iniziarono a calare le vendite seguite dai problemi finanziari. L’ultima produzione discografica dalla T.K.Records fu Another One Rides The Bus di Weird Al Yankovic, ispirata alla più famosa Another One Bites The Dust dei Queen. Yankovic divenne famoso in seguito, per aver parodiato tantissimi altri brani e artisti, realizzando anche video simili in tutto al video dell'artista originale. Uno dei più famosi fu la parodia di Bad di Michael Jackson, questo suo modo di proporre musica gli valse in discreto successo in tutto il mondo. Vista la crisi che colpì la Disco Music in America Henry Stone prima del declino totale vendette l’etichetta a Morris Levy, della Roulette Records, e dall'unione delle due Label nacque la "Sunnyview Records", così nel 1981 la T.K.Records chiuse i battenti definitivamente. Nel 1986 Stone si mise in società con Paul Klein e formarono la Hot Production, detentrice dei diritti dell’intero catalogo T.K.Records fino a quando furono acquisiti dalla Rhino Records.

Nel 2004 Henry Stone affettuosamente chimato anche ”The Records Man”, fu inserito nella Hall of Fame della musica Dance,, per i suoi meriti imprenditoriali. Alla cerimonia di consegna del premio, il pubblico gli tributò una lunghissima standing ovation. Herry dopo una vita dedicata alla musica ci ha lasciato all'età di 93 anni per cause naturali, il 7 Agosto del 2014. era nato il 3 Giugno del 1921 a New York City. RIP

Negli anni 90 Wayne Casey senza Rick Finch, riunisce di nuovo la KC & The Sunshine Band e ricominciò a fare musica dal vivo portando di nuovo il Sunshine Sound in giro per il mondo e nonostante siano passati tantissimi anni, la Band sul palco riesce ancora a dare le stesse sensazioni di massimo divertimento al loro ancora numerosissimo pubblico.


...I Love Who Loves The Funky Music... Peace And Soul. Stefano Sunny

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Dall’innumerevole produzione della TK Records nasce; “TK Records The Complete Collection", la più completa collezione di brani in versione digitale, pubblicati e distribuiti dalla T.K.Records negli oltre 10 anni di attività, tra i primi anni 1970 e il 1981 anno in cui chiuse i battenti. La Collection è composta da 54 CD, e al suo interno sono presenti ben 690 tracce estrapolate tra i più grandi successi dell'etichetta di Miami, fondata da Henry Stone. In questi 690 brani sono presenti le versioni 7'Single, Full Lenght Album, Original Mix, Original Remix, Re-Edit, Unreleased Version, Acetate Version, e le attuali Nu-Disco Remix, ad opera dei più accreditati Dj del globo come: Tom Moulton, Danny Krivit, Richie Rivera, Joey Negro, Steve Thompson, Danny Tenaglia, Ben Liebrand e molti altri. A queste si aggiungono le più rare versioni remixate da un team di Dj e Produttori che hanno voluto dare il loro contributo creando delle Personal Remix Version, che appaiono solamente in questa Collection. Oltre a tutte queste versioni sono state inserite anche le Cover Version realizzate nel corso degli anni 80, 90 e 2000, che hanno reso omaggio ai più famosi brani della T.K.Records. Tra le più famose Cover Version, presenti in questa collection vi sono: Why Can't We Live Together dei Kongas gruppo creato negli anni 70 da Cerrone, Plese Don't Go nella House Version di Double You, e Deep Menace Spank di D'Menace remixata da Joey Negro. Ad impreziosire l'opera sono stai aggiunti il "Contiunuing T.K. Medley" realizzato dal Dj Olandese Ben Liebrand, il "T.K. Disco In The Mix" 80 minuti di grandi Hits della T.K.Disco Mixate dal Dj Americano Greg Womack, e un raro Dj-Set Mixato da Danny Krivit pubblicato solo per il mercato Giapponese, inoltre sono presenti e ben 4 Megamix della KC And The Sunshine Band di cui 2 ufficiali realizzati dalla Band stessa, 1 realizzato da Stefano SunnyDeejay, con i brani Remixati da Albert Cabrera, e 1 realizzato da Silver Dj.

La T.K.Records The Complete Collection, e corredata da un mini Book in formato A4 che racconta la storia della T.K.Records e del suo fondatore, Henry Stone, con aneddoti, curiosità e l'aggiunta di foto storiche. Inoltre sono presenti le Tracklist di tutti e 54 i CD che compongono la Collection, comprensive di crediti, Ogni brano riporta i seguenti dati: Artista, Titolo, Versione, Etichetta Discografica, Anno di pubblicazione, e Autore.

Tutto questo rende la TK Collection un database completo nei minimi particolari, e un documento storico per ogni estimatore della buona musica Disco Funk degli anni 70 e 80 e del Sunshine Sound made in Miami.

Stefano Sunny per la TK Records Collection ha realizzato 140 versioni con i brani più significativi in versione 
Sunny-Re-Work, Sunny-Re-Fix o Sunny Reformavit 3.5 ottimizzati per i Dj-Set che necessitano di pause mixaggio tra i 02:30 / 03:00 minuti dall'inizio della traccia. questa Collection si può acquistare separatamente, in formato File Wav su PenDrive USB 3.0 per maggiori informazioni su questa SPECIAL EDITION clicca su MORE INFO


In alternativa alla versione in CD, la T.K. Records The Complete Collection con tutte le
690 Tracce comprensive di special Edition in versione Mixata da Danny Krivit, e i Megamix, si può avere anche in formato Wav (senza perdita di dati) su supporto PenDrive USB 3.0 Si tratta di un prodotto professionale incastonato in un elegante contenitore in legno, e grazie alla tecnologia USB 3.0 garantisce una lettura del file fluida e costante.

Ogni singolo brano è stato controllato e sottoposto ad una fase di restauro digitale, aggiustato nella dinamica e regolarizzato nel Pitch Control per garantire una BPM Battuta Per Minuto il più precisa possibile, ed infine riequalizzato e digitalizzato. utilizzando la tecnologia "Sony DADC Hybrid Super Audio" che fornisce a chi ascolta la forma più elevata di purezza sonica con una risposta di frequenza e una gamma dinamica senza precedenti.

Questa è l'opera più colossale che sia mai stata stampata su supporto CD dedicata alla T.K.Records, e garantisce a chi la possiede, di poter vantare le più importanti Hits della TK Productions in tutte le versioni, quelle ufficialmente pubblicate, quelle esclusivamente stamapte in Promo Version, e le Personal Remix realizzate dai Dj e Produttori di tutto il mondo e che appaiono solo in questa Collection. Visto l'impatto che la T.K.Records ha avuto nella Musica Disco Funk degli anni 70 e 80, possedere questa collana significa avere un pezzo importantissimo della Storia della Disco Culture di quegli anni.

Si ringraziano i Produttori i Musicisti e i Deejay che hanno dato il loro supporto realizzando le versioni Remix contenute nella TK Collection.

In ordine alfabetico Thanks To…

Al Kent, Albert Cabrera, Ashley Beedle, Ben Liebrand, Benny Royal, Bill Kelly, Bobby Viteritti, Bo Crane, Bobby ''Dj'' Guttadaro, Bradley D.Hinkle, Brandon Hocura, Carmelo Bianchetti Aka Late Nite Tuff Guy, Chris Baron, Christian Taylor Aka Kon, Cory Wade, Danny Krivit, Danny Tenaglia, Dennis Van Der Geest, Dimitri From Paris, Denis Lepage, Doug DeAngelis, George Edward Clinton Jr. Aka Dr.Funkenstein, Greg Packer Aka Dr.Packer, Stathis Koutsoukeras Aka Dj-“S”, ElMambro, Eric Kupper, Freddie Levine, George Wesly Perry Aka George "Chocolate" Perry, Greg Womack, Henry Yori, Jerry Masters, Joe-Lo, David Russell Lee Aka Joey Negro, John Morales, Jonny Meek, Judge Jules, Larry Sanders, Les Massengale, Michael Francis Barbiero, Martin Ottesen Aka Funkstar De Luxe, Michael Skins, Mike Arato, Mike Lewis, Mike Maurro, Mohamed Moretta, Norman Jay, Paul Goodyear Aka SanFranDisko, Paul Dakeyne, Paul Hardcastle, Eugene Nwohia Aka Pied Piper, Petko Turner, Peter Visti, Randy Sills, Rich Keller, Richie Rivera, Sanny-X, Enrico Sartini & Maltese, Scratch n' Sniffs, Silvestro Puglio Aka SilverDj, Tyler Martens Aka Stickybuds, Stefano Secchi, Stefano SunnyDeejay, Steve Algozino, Steve Thompson, Nicolas Laugier Aka The Reflex, Todd Terje, Tom Moulton, Tommy Musto, Tony HiFi, Ultimix New York Style, Oscar Lopez, Victor Rosado, Victor Simonelli,

CD-01  Time: 76:40
01. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 08:04
12''Inch Midnight Mix By Richie Rivera ©1979 T.K.Disco
02. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 07:27
12''Inch Midnight Mix By Richie Rivera Re-Edit ©1978 ©2011 T.K.Disco
03. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 05:54
12''Inch Midnight Mix By Richie Rivera ElMambro Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
04. Anita Ward - Don't Drop My Love 06:19
12''Inch Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
05. Anita Ward - Don't Drop My Love 07:29
12''Inch Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco
06. Anita Ward - Don't Drop My Love 08:27
 12''Inch Greg Womack ReWork ©1979 T.K.Disco
07. Amant - Hazy Shades Of Love 08:46
12''Inch Extended Jim Burgess Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
08. Amant - If There's Love 06:23
12''Inch Extended Jim Burgess Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
09. Amant - If There's Love 09:04
12''Inch Extended Jim Burgess Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
10. A.D. - Return Of Vader 08:46
12''InchExtended PROMO ©1978 T.K.Disco

CD-02  Time: 79:05
01. Beginning Of The End - Funky Nassau (Part 1) 04:58
7'Single Edit Mix ©1971 Alston Records
02. Bill Pursell - Bump Me Baby (El Cumbanchero) 03:30
12''Inch Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco
03. Beautiful Bend - Boogie Motion 07:51
Chris Baron Happy Disco Extended Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
04. Beautiful Bend - Make That Feeling Come Again And Ah Do It 15:50
Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Disco
05.   Beautiful Bend - Make That Feeling Come Again And Ah-Do It 07:32
12''Inch Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
06. Beautiful Bend - Make That Feeling Come Again And Ah-Do It 11:34
12''Inch Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
07. Beautiful Bend - That's The Meaning And Boogie Motion 07:23
12''Inch Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
08. Beautiful Bend - That's The Meaning And Boogie Motion 13:46
12''Inch Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
09. Bad City Band - Batman 77 06:41
12''Inch Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

CD-03  Time: 72:48
01. Betty Wright - Where Is The Love 06:11
              Danny Krivit Re-Edit Sunny-Re-Fix ©1974 Alston Records
02. Betty Wright - Where Is The Love 06:25
              12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1974 Alston Records
03. Betty Wright - Where Is The Love 05:42
              12''Mix Extended Re-Edit Version ©1974 Alston Records
04. Betty Wright - Slip And Do It 04:59
              Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 Alston Records
05. Betty Wright - Slip And Do It 05:05
              Full Lenght Album Tony HiFi Re-Edit ©1975 Alston Records
06. Betty Wright - Lovin' Is Really My Game 04:51
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
07. Betty Wright - Clean Up Woman 02:44
              7'Single ©1971 Alston Records
08. Asha - I'm Gonna Dance 06:26
              12''Inches Richie Rivera Midnight Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco
09. B.Baker Chocolate Co - The Hight And The Mighty 06:42
              12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
10. B.Baker Chocolate Co. - Snow Blower 06:46
              Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Disco
11. Big Apple Brass - Finger Lickin' Disco 05:11
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
12. Blowflys - Funky In The Hole 02:38
              7'Single ©1973 Dash Records
13. Brenda And Herb - I Who Have Nothing 05:38
              12''Mix Extended Promo ©1978 T.K.Disco
14. C.L.Blast - Don't Fight The Feelin' 03:29
              7'Single ©1976 Juana Records

CD-04  Time: 77:01
01. Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do For Love 04:47
              Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
02. Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do For Love 07:58
              Greg Womack ReWork ©1978 Clouds Records
03. Bobby Caldwell - Down For The Third Time 06:47
              Joey Negro Down For The Fourth Time Edit ©1978 T.K.Records
04. Bobby Caldwell - Alfie 02:56
              7'Single©1981 Marlin Records
05. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Closer Closer 04:22
              12''Mix Extended Disco Push Edit-De-Luxe ©1978 T.K.Disco
06. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Fly Me On The Wings Of Love 08:05
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
07. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Hold Your Horses Babe 06:33
              12''Mix Extended) (©1977 TK Records
08. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - One Love 08:08
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
09. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Superman 05:36
              12''Mix Extended USA Edit ©1977 T.K.Disco
10. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Superman 05:10
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
11. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Superman 05:26
              12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
12. Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch - Superman 06:09
              Victor Rosado ReEdit ©1977 T.K.Disco
13. Area Code 305 - Brand New Groove 05:02
              Joe-Lo Extended Mix ©1982 Dash Records

CD-05  Time: 76:41
01. Daddy Dewdrop - The Real Thing 05:56
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
02. Daddy Dewdrop - The Real Thing 07:57
              Randy Sills Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
03. Daddy Dewdrop - Nanu Nanu (I Wanna Funky Wich You) 08:06
              Randy Sills Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
04. David Hudson - Pump It 06:04
              Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 Alston Records
05. Clarence Reid - Nobody But You Babe 02:47
              7'Single ©1969 Alston Records
06. Clarence Reid - It's Hell Trying Get to Heaven 03:52
              12''Mix Eextended Promo Copy ©1979 T.K.Disco
07. Clarence Reid - Funky Party 03:32
              7'Single ©1974 Alston Records
08. Clarence Reid - Funky Party 07:28
              7'Single Greg Womack ReWork ©1974 Alston Records
09. Clarence Reid - Down Where The Love Is 03:36
              Full Lenght Album ©1976 Alston Records
10. Clarence Reid - Baptize Me In Yor Love 03:53
              7'Single ©1975 Alston Records
11. Brandye - Rhythm Of Love 05:11
              Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Disco
12. Brandye - How Long 04:02
              Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
13. Cosa Rica Band - Baila 05:31
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
14. Class - Get Your Chic Together 08:44
               Bobby ''Dj'' Guttadaro Extended Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco

CD-06  Time: 78:23
01. Eli's Second Coming - Why Don'cha 03:59
              Full Lenght Album ©1977 Silver Blue Records
02. Eli's Second Coming - Why Don'cha 05:42
              12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
03. Eli's Second Coming - Love Chant 07:22
              Jski Extended Re-Work ©1977 Silver Blue Records
04. Eli's Second Coming - Love Chant 06:09
             Full Lenght Album ©1977 Silver Blue Records
05. Eli's Second Coming - Hop Scotch 03:09
              Full Lenght Album ©1977 T.K.Disco
06. Eli's Second Coming - Heavenly 05:11
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
07. Eli's Second Coming - Foxfire 03:27
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
08. Danny White - Now That I Found You 09:33
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
09. French Kiss - Panic 04:27
              12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Records
10. Dorothy Moore - Let The Music Play 05:28
              12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
11. Freddy Henry & Betty Wright - Tell Her 03:28
              7'Single ©1975 T.K.Records
12. Eddie Daniels - I Go To Rio 05:22
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
13. Eddie Horan - The Dancer 05:24
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
14. Double You - Please Don't Go 04:17
              Hot Tracks Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1992 DWA Records
15. D'Menace - Deep Menace (Spank 98) 05:27
              12''Mix Extended ©1997 Maestro Recording
CD-07  Time: 79:47
01. Foxy - Get Off 05:46
             Special 12'' Disco Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
02. Foxy - Get Off 04:32
             Extended RnB Remix ©1978 ©2005 T.K.Disco
03. Foxy - Get Off 03:58
             Ultimix Electric Bradley D.Hinkle & Les Massengale Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
04. Foxy - Get Off 05:15
             Wavelenght Club Mix Eric Kupper & Mohamed Moretta Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco
05. Foxy - Get Off 04:49
             Dirty Deep Bass Mix Eric Kupper & Mohamed Moretta Remix ©78 ©94 T.K.Disco
06. Foxy - Get Off Your Ahh And Dance 04:51
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
07. Foxy - Hot Number 03:46
             7'Single Promo Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco
08. Foxy - Hot Number 06:07
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
09. Foxy - Let's Love 05:22
             12'Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco
10. Foxy - People Fall In Love While Dancing 04:50
             12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco
11. Foxy - Tena's Song 05:06
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
12. Foxy - The Way You Do The Things You Do 05:25
             12' 'Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco
13. Foxy - Party Boys 06:43
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco
14. Foxy - Party Boys 04:55
             Extended Remix Version Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 ©2005 T.K.Disco
15. Foxy - Party Boys 05:23
             Mike Lewis Extended Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco

CD-08  Time: 79:27
01. Fern Kinney - Groove Me 08:55
              12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
02. Fern Kinney - Groove Me 03:50
              12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
03. Frederick Knight - Let Me Ring Your Bell Again 05:57
              12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1981 Juana Records
04. Freedom - Dance Sing Along 05:28
              12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
05. Freedom - Get Up An Dance 03:31
              7'Single Edit Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco
06. Freedom - Get Up An Dance 06:01
              12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
07. Funk Machine - Funk Machine 08:01
             12''Mix Extended Disco Version ©1977 T.K.Disco
08. Funk Machine - Funk Machine 08:23
              12''Mix Extended Disco Version Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
09. Funky Nassau - Bahama Soul Stew 03:22
              7'Single Sunny-Re-Work ©1972 Drive Records
10. Funky Nassau - Look What You Can Get 02:17
              7'Single ©1972 Drive Records
11. Gail Eason - Have A Good Day 05:27
              12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
12. Fire - Let's Make It Last 02:37
              7'Single ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
13. Fire - Let's Make It Last 03:27
             7'Single Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
14. Fantasia Feat.Peggy Santiglia - Fantasia And Carnival Medley 12:10
             Full Lenght Album ©7978 Amazon Records
CD-09 -George McCrae-  Time: 71:02
01. George McCrae - Hey Sexy Dancer 02:59
             7'Single Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
02. George McCrae - Kiss Me (The Way I Like It) 05:49
             12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco (Sax Karl)
03. George McCrae - Kiss Me (The Way I Like It) 06:05
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
04. George McCrae - Let's Dance (People All Over The World) 06:09
             Mid-Day Richie Rivera Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
05. George McCrae - Love In Motion 05:00
             12''Mix Extended ©1975 T.K.Disco
06. George McCrae - Love In Motion 05:37
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 T.K.Disco
07. George McCrae - I Get Lifted 02:46
             Full Lenght Album ©1974 T.K.Records
08. George McCrae - It's Been So Long 05:34
             Judge Jules & Michael Skins Remix ©1975 ©1994 Jay Boy Rec.
09. George McCrae - I Ain't Lyin´ 03:52
             Full Lenght Album ©1974 T.K.Records
10. George McCrae - I Ain't Lyin' 05:55
             Jski Extended Remix ©1974 T.K.Records
11. George McCrae - Don't You Feel My Love 04:36
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
12. George McCrae - Don't You Feel My Love 07:18
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
13. George McCrae - Can't Leave You Alone 04:38
             Scratch And Sniffs Extended Re-Rub ©1974 TK Records
14. George McCrae - (You've Got) My Love My Life My Soul 04:43
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

CD-10 -More McCrae-  Time: 75:45
01. George McCrae - You Don't Know 04:19
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
02. George McCrae - You Don't Know 06:59
             Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Fix ©1978 TK Records
03. George McCrae - You Don't Know 06:41
             Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Records
04. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 06:23
             Full Lenght Album ©1974 T.K.Records
05. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 06:40
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work©1974 T.K.Records
06. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 06:24
             12''Mix Extended [Remastered] ©1974 T.K.Records
07. Gwen McCrae - Rock Your Baby 06:56
             Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©2006 Henry Stome Music
08. Gwen McCrae - Ninety Percent Of Me Is You 03:14
             7'Single ©1974 Cat Records
09. Gwen McCrae - He Don't Ever Lose His Groove 02:43
             7'Single ©1974 Cat Records (W.Hale)
10. Gwen McCrae - Rockin' Chair 06:03
             Extended Re-Work ©1975 T.K.Records
11. Gwen McCrae - Rockin' Chair 03:20
             7'Single ©1975 T.K.Records
12. Herman Kelly And Life - A Refreshing Love 06:39
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 Alston Records
13. Herman Kelly And Life - Dance To The Drummer's Beat 05:10
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 Alston Records
14. Herman Kelly And Life - Dance To The Drummer's Beat 04:12
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 Alston Records

CD-11  Time: 79:21
01. Gregg Diamond - Star Cruiser 10:16
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
02. Gregg Diamond - Star Cruiser 07:31
             Jonny Meek Extended Edit ©1978 T.K.Records
03. Gregg Diamond - Danger 05:54
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Marlin Records
04. Gregg Diamond - Arista Vista 04:48
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
05. Gregg Diamond - Fancy Dancer 06:16
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
06. Gregg Diamond - This Side Of Midnight 07:32
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
07. Gregg Diamond - This Side Of Midnight 08:02
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
08. Gregg Diamond - This Side Of Midnight 05:27
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records
09. Gregg Diamond - This Side Of Midnight 09:00
             Lary Sanders Extended Re-Edit ©1978 T.K.Disco
10. Ish Ledesma - Don't Stop 09:22
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
11. Ish Ledesma - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet 03:00
             7'Single ©1979 T.K.Records
12. Robert Moore - Tears Of The World 02:14
             7'Single ©1973 Blue Candle Records

CD-12  Time: 78:55
01. James Brown - Rapp Payback (Where Iz Moses) 07:10
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1980 T.K.Records
02. James Brown - Rapp Payback (Where Iz Moses) 13:50
             Full Lenght Album ©1980 T.K.Records
03. James Brown - Funky Men 07:31
             12''Mix Extended ©1981 T.K.Records
04. Jackie Moore - Who's Next, Who's Now 05:13
             12''Mix Extended ©1981 T.K.Disco (Allen Toussaint)
05. Jackie Moore - Love Is The Answer 05:53
             12''Mix Extended ©1985 Sunnyview Records
06. James Bradley - Wrapped Up In Your Love 07:54
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
07. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Clean Up Man 02:32
             7'Single ©1972 Aliston Records
08. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Don't Worry About It 02:36
             7'Single ©1974 Drive Records
09. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Dance Across The Floor 04:49
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
10. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Dance Across The Floor 07.04
             12''Mix Instrumental ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
11. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Dance Across The Floor 07:06
             Broadhurst Edit Mix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
12. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Dance Across The Floor 05:12
             Sanny-X DMC Remix ©1978 ©1985 Sunshine Sound Disco
13. Lynn Williams - It Takes Two 02:05
             7'Single ©1970 Dade Records

CD-13 -Jimmy "Bo" Horne-   Time: 79:56
01. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Gimme Some 05:08
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
02. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Gimme Some 03:58
             7' Edit Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco
03. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Gimme Some 02:55
             Enzo Persueder Edit Sync BD And Groove ©77 ©2014 T.K.Disco
04. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Gimme Some 06:00
             12''Mix The Apple Scruffs Edit ©1978 T.K.Disco
05. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Get Happy 04:33
             12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
06. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - I Get Lifted 06:09
             Esgrove Edit Mix ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco
07. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - I Get Lifted 04:21
             LP Version Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco
08. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - I Get Lifted 04:14
             Full Lenght Album ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco
09. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Is It In 06:18
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco
10. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Is It In 03:51
             7'Single Mix ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco
11. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Is It In 10:32
             12''Mix Extended Re-Edit ©1980 ©2011 Sunshine Sound Disco
12. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Let Me (Let Me Be Your Lover) 03:29
             7'Single ©1978 T.K.Records
13. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Let Me (Let Me Be Your Lover) 06:53
             Dr Funkenstein Deadly Regroove ©1978 TK Records
14. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Let's Dance (Dance Across The Floor) 04:50
             Dennis Van Der Geest & Benny Royal Re-Fix ©2014 T.K.Records
15. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Let's Do It 06:43
             12''Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1985 SunnyView Records

CD-14 -More "Bo" Horne-  Time: 77:38
01. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Spank 06:59
             12''Mix Extended 1980 Remix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
02. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - The Spank's Word 05:57
             Marchino Mash-Up Mix ©1978 ©2014 Sunshine Sound Disco
03. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Spank 05:27
             Al Kent Re-Edit Version ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
04. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Spank 04:19
             Space Remix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
05. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Spank 04:43
             Disco Star Bootleg ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
06. Ron Louis Smith II - Spank 06:38
             12''Mix Extended ©2015 Sunpire Records
07. Ron Louis Smith II - Spank 06:32
             Instrumental Version ©2015 Sunpire Records
08. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - Without You 06:30
             Full Lenght Album ©1979 Sunshine Sound Records
09. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - You Get Me Hot 05:00
             12'’Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco
10. Jimmy "Bo" Horne - You Get Me Hot 07:03
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco
11. Jimmy McGriff - Tailgunner 05:40
             Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
12. Jimmy McGriff - Tailgunner 05:07
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
13. Julie Budd - Music To My Heart 04:24
             12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
14. Wildflower - You Knock Me Out 03:20
             7'Single ©1976 Dash Records

CD-15  Time: 77:52
01. Joe Tex - Discomonia 07:17
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
02. Joe Tex - Loose Caboose 03:51
             7'Single ©1978 T.K.Disco
03. Joe Tex - Loose Caboose 07:00
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
04. Jo Bisso - Love Somebody 10:44
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 Marlin Records
05. Jo Bisso - Your Love 06:49
             Full Lenght Album ©1978 Marlin Records
06. Joe Thomas - Funky Fever 07:23
             12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco
07. Joe Thomas - Make Your Move 06:36
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
08. Joe Thomas - Plato's Retreat 04:21
             7'Single Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco
09. Joe Thomas - Plato's Retreat 06:39
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
10. Joe Thomas - Two Doors Down 06:11
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
11. King Sporty - Mr.Rhythm 04:14
             12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
12. King Sporty & The Root Rockers - Get On Down 06:46
             Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

CD-16   Time: 78:53
01. John Tropea - Livin' In The Jungle 06:42
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco
02. John Tropea - Livin' In The Jungle 05:03
             12''Mix Jungle Extended Re-Edit Version ©1978 T.K.Disco
03. John Tropea - Tambourine 04:39
             Full Lenght Album ©1975 Marlin Records
04. John Tropea - The Funk You See Is The Funk You Do! 03:10
             Full Lenght Album ©1977 Marlin Records
05. John Tropea - The Jingle 04:39
             Full Lenght Album ©1975 Marlin Records
06. Johnny Harris - Odyssey Pt 1 04:37
             12''Mix Extended ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco
07. Johnny Harris - Odyssey Pt 2 05:49
             12''Mix Extended ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco
08. Johnny Harris - Odyssey Pt 2 06:14
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco
09. Kat Mandu - The Break 08:44
             Mike Arato & Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco
10. Kat Mandu - The Break 09:13
             Mike Arato & Steve Thompson Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979
11. King Tutt - D-A-N-C-I-N’ 08:04
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 Fun City Records
12. King Tutt - Keep On 06:10
             12''Mix Extended ©1980 T.K.Disco
13. King Tutt - You've Got Me Hung Up 05:49
             12''Mix Extended ©1979 Fun City Records

CD-17  Time: 79:08
01. Lady Love - Wrap Your Arms Around Me 06:04
             12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco
02. Latimore - I Get Lifted 04:48
             Full Lenght Album ©1976 Glades Records
03. Latimore - It Ain't Where You Been 04:16
             Full Lenght Album ©1976 Glades Records
04. Latimore - Let's Straighten It Out 05:10
             Full Lenght Album ©1974 Glades Records
05. Latimore - Let's Straighten It Out 04:58
             Remastere Full Lenght Album ©1974 Glades Records
06. Laura Taylor - All Through Me 06:24
             Cory Wade & Steve Thompson Remix Sunny-Re-Fix ©1979 T.K.Disco
07. Laura Taylor - Dancin' In My Feet (Theme From Disco Magic) 05:47
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
08. Leon Debouse - Fast Food Chain 03:39
             Full Lenght Album ©1977 Bold Records
09. Lew Kirton - Heaven In The Afternoon 05:40
             12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco
10. Lew Kirton - Heaven In The Afternoon 06:00
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco
11. Little Beaver - Concrete Jungle 05:04
             Full Lenght Album ©1976 Cat Records
12. Little Beaver - Funkadelic Sound 02:33
             7'Single ©1970 Cat Records
13. Little Beaver - Listen To My Heartbeat 03:37
             7'Single ©1976 Cat Records
14. Little Beaver - Party Down 06:18
             7'Single Mix Part 1 e 2 ©1974 Cat Records
15. Kongas - Why Can't We Live Together 08:47
             12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1982 Malligator Music

CD-18 -KC And The Sunshine Band-   Time: 78:24

01. KC And The Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes 02:11
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

02. KC And The Sunshine Band - Do You Feel Alright 05:07
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records

03. KC And The Sunshine Band - Do You Wanna Go Party 09:54
       Special Disco 12''Mix ©1979 TK Records

04. KC And The Sunshine Band - Do You Wanna Go Party 07:21
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Records

05. KC And The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 09:28
       A Tom Moulton Mix ©1975 T.K.Records

06. KC And The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 06:05
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 T.K.Records

07. KC And The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 08:17
       Pied Piper Etended Remix ©1975 T.K.Records

08. KC And The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 05:14
       Miami Club Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 ©1994 T.K.Records

09. KC And The Sunshine Band - Give It Up 04:04
       Full Lenght Album ©1982 Sunshine Sound Disco

10. KC And The Sunshine Band - Hooked On Your Love 03:54
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Records

11. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Get Lifted 03:49
       Albert Cabrera Re-Mix ©1975 ©1998 TK Records

12. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Get Lifted 03:05
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

13. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Get Lifted 06:03
       Todd Terje Re-Edit ©1975 T.K.Records

CD-19 -KC And The Sunshine Band-   Time: 76:08

01. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Like To Do It 02:55
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 T.K.Records

02. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man - Shake Your Booty 06:21
       Extended Hot Tracks Re-Mix]©1977 T.K.Records

03. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 05:22
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Records

04. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 04:34
       Albert Cabrera Re-Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 ©1998 T.K.Records

05. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 07:04
       Unreleased Re-Mix Version ©1977 ©2014 TK Records

06. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 04:25
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 TK Record

07. KC And The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 04:57
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Records

08. KC And The Sunshine Band - It's The Same Old Song 04:22
       7'Single ©1978 T.K.Records

09. KC And The Sunshine Band - I've Got The Feeling 03:06
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Records

10. KC And The Sunshine Band - Let's Go Rock'n Roll 03:34
       7'Single ©1979 T.K.Records

11. KC And The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 03:51
       Full Lenght Album ©1980 T.K.Records

12. KC And The Sunshine Band - Sound Your Funky Horn 03:17
       Extended Furio Remix ©1973 ©2015 T.K.Records

13. KC And The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 03:50
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Records

14. KC And The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 03:50
       '92 Extended Remix ©1979 ©1992 T.K.Records

15. KC And The Sunshine Band - Queen Of Clubs 03:18
       7'Single ©1974 T.K.Records

16. KC And The Sunshine Band - Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty 03:13
       7'Single Mix ©1976 T.K.Records

17. KC And The Sunshine Band - Sound Your Funky Horn 03:10
       7'Single ©1973 T.K.Records

18. KC And The Sunshine Band - That's The WayI Like It 04:57
       Albert Cabrera Re-Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 ©1998 T.K.Records

CD-20   Time: 75:57

01. KC And The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 06:03
       The Metaphysical's Keep Virginia Common Law Edit ©1980 TK Records

02. KC And The Sunshine Band - That's The Way I Like It 04:36
       Remixed By Ultimix New York Style [Sunny-Re-Fix] ©1975 T.K.Records

03. KC And The Sunshine Band - That's The Way I Like It 06:05
       Remixed By Ultimix New York Style Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 T.K.Records

04. KC And The Sunshine Band - That's The Way I Like It 05:47
       Remixed By Ultimix New York Style ©1975 TK Records

05. KC And The Sunshine Band - That's The Way I Like It 05:03
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

06. The Sunshine Band - Shotgun Shuffle 02:48
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

07. The Sunshine Band - Shotgun Shuffle 05:21
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 T.K.Records

08. The Sunshine Band - Black Water Gold 04:39
       7'Single Mix ©1978 T.K.Records

09. The Sunshine Band - Black Water Gold 07:10
       7'Single Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Records

10. The Sunshine Band - Black Water Gold 05:40
       12''Mix Extended House Remix ©1978 ©2000 TK Records

11. The Sunshine Band - Hey J 02:44
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

12. The Sunshine Band - Rock Your Baby 03:54
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

13. The Sunshine Band - Funky '75 03:00
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

14. Margaret Reynolds - All Day All Night 06:45
       Promo 12'Mix Extended ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

15. Margaret Reynolds - Keep On Holding On 06:20
       12''Mix Extended ©1982 Sunshine Sound Disco

CD-21   Time: 78:16

01. Lonnie Smith - Do It 06:12
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

02. Lonnie Smith - Afro-Desia 09:19
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 Groove Merchant Records

03. Lonnie Smith - For The Love Of It 07:04
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

04. Lonnie Smith - Funk Reaction 05:48
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Records

05. Lonnie Smith - Funk Reaction 06:20
       12''Mix Extended Re-Edit ©1977 T.K.Records

06. Magic City Feat.Fire - Let's Rock 06:16
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

07. Magic City Feat.Fire - Let's Rock 08:40
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

08. Magic City Feat.Fire - Let's Rock 09:30
         12''Mix Instrumental ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

09. Mary Love - Dance To My Music 02:58
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

10. Mary Love - Turn Me, Turm Me, Turn Me 07:37
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

11. Midnite Flite - Don't Turn Away 04:31
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

12. Nate Calhoun - Funktown 03:59
       7'Single ©1979 Gladies Records

CD-22   Time: 79:03

01. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Disco Weekend 07:05
         12''Mix Extended Edited Version ©1976 T.K.Disco

02. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Freak Around 06:38
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Drive Records

03. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Funk It Up 03:13
       Full Lenght Album ©1974 Drive Records

04. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Hey Y'all We're Miami 03:00
       Full Lenght Album ©1974 Drive Records

05. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Kill That Roach 05:17
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Drive Records

06. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Let Me See Some Knees Please 04:58
       LP Version ©1978 Drive Records

07. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Let Me See Some Knees Please 06:24
       LP Version Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Drive Records

08. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Party Freaks 05:16
       12''Mix Extended ©1974 Drive Records

09. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Party Freaks 02:58
       Full Lenght Album Vocal ©1974 Drive Records

10. Michal Urbaniak - Ecstasy 03:21
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 Marlin Records

11. Michal Urbaniak - Just A Funky Feeling 04:57
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 Marlin Records

12. Milton Wright - Friends And Buddies 03:23
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 Alston Records

13. Milton Wright - Ooh Ooh Ooh I Like It 05:27
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco

14. Montreal Sound - Music 08:09
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

15. Montreal Sound - Music 05:47
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

16. Johnny K - Bills To Pay 03:08
       7'Single ©1973 Drive Records

CD-23   Time: 78:01

01. Modern Sound Corporation - Safari 07:36
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

02. Modern Sound Corporation - Safari Pt 2 12:36
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

03. Paul Lewis - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 05:25
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

04. Paul Lewis - Inner City Blues 07:17
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

05. Natural High - Dance To The Funk 05:24
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Records

06. Osiris - Fantality 07:00
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Marlin Records

07. Partners - Dance Whoever You Are 07:22
       Extended PROMO Richie Rivera Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco

08. Paulette Reaves - Jazz Freak 05:34
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 Blue Candle Records

09. Phil Trim - Give Me Your Love 08:27
       Pied Piper Rework ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. Phil Upchurch - Strawberry Letter 23 05:04
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Records

11. Phillip Wright - Keep Her Happy 06:16
       Ashley Beedle Heavy Disco Edit ©1976 Dash Records

CD-24 -Peter Brown-   Time: 79:40

01. Peter Brown - Burning Love Breakdown 06:02
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

02. Peter Brown - Burning Love Breakdown 07:29
       The Beat Broker Slow Burn Extended Mix ©1977 T.K.Disco

03. Peter Brown - Can't Be Love - Do It To Me Anyway 08:45
       12''Mix Extended ©1980 T.K.Disco

04. Peter Brown - Crank It Up Funk Town 08:15
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

05. Peter Brown - Crank It Up Funk Town 10:33
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

06. Peter Brown - Crank It Up Funk Town 06:11
       ElMambro Extended Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

07. Peter Brown - Dance With Me 06:09
       Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1977 ©1994 T.K.Records

08. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 08:45
       12''Mix Space Re-Edit ©1977 T.K.Records

09. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 07:54
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 04:57
       Disco Stars Bootleg Remix ©1977 T.K.Disco

11. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 04:39
       Rich   Keller & Freddie Levine Remix ©1977 ©1994 T.K.Records

CD-25   Time: 79:32

01. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 06:26
       Hot Tracks Remix ©1977 T.K.Records

02. Peter Brown - Dance With Me 08:08
       Pied Piper Extended Mix ©1977 ©2014 TK Records

03. Peter Brown Feat.Betty Wright - Dance With Me 05:22
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Records

04. Peter Brown Feat.Betty Wright - You Should Do It 03:49
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 Drive Records

05. Quartz - Beyond The Clouds 05:25
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco

06. Quartz - Quartz 12:53
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Marlin Records

07. Ralph MacDonald - Calypso Breakdown 07:48
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 T.K.Disco

08. Ralph MacDonald - You Are In Love 05:47
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Marlin Records

09. Rice And Beans Orchestra - Disco Dancing 05:59
       12''Mix Extended Remastered ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. Rice And Beans Orchestra - You've Got Magic 07:19
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

11. Robert Zohn - It Takes All Night Part I 03:43
       7'Single ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

12. Robert Zohn - It Takes All Night Part II 04:10
       7'Single ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

13. Phillip Wright - Keep Her Happy 02:41
       7'Single ©1976 Dash Records

CD-26   Time: 77:04

01. Queen Samantha - Don't Stop I Feel Good 06:08
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Marlin Records

02. Queen Samantha - Singing Hallelujah 07:23
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Marlin Records

03. Queen Samantha - Sweet San Francisco 06:59
       Steve Thompson Remix ©1978 Marlin Records

04. Queen Samantha - Sweet San Francisco 05:34
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 Marlin Records

05. Queen Samantha - Take A Chance 08:10
       Steve Thompson Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

06. Queen Samantha - The Letter 07:26
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco Wayne Carson Thompson

07. Rocky Mizell - Let's Go Dancing 05:53
       Valapucci Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1980 T.K.Disco

08. Rocky Mizell And Sugar Rock Band - Hey Sexy Dancer 04:14
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco

09. Rocky Mizell And Sugar Rock Band - Hey Sexy 04;40
       Dancer 12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1976 T.K.Disco

10. Ron Louis Smith - Party Freaks Come On 05:56
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

11. Ron Louis Smith - Party Freaks Come On 08:45
       Pied Piper Regrooved Disco Mix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

12. Shelbra Deane - You Move Me 05:56
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco David Weatherspoon, Tom Jones III

CD-27   Time: 77:30

01. Scott Allan - I Think We're Alone Now / Will You Love Me Tomorrow 08:57
       Bobby Viteritti Disconet Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

02. Star City - I'm A Man 08:40
       Jim Burgess Extended Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco

03. Seven Seas - Do It Till You're Satisfied 03:32
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Glades Records

04. Seven Seas - Get Down Tonight 06:10
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Glades Records

05. Seven Seas - Super Jaws 03:50
       7'Single ©1975 Glades Records

06. Sherman Hunter - Dance To Freedom 08:13
       12''Mix Extended ©1981 Dealers Choice

07. Sherman Hunter - Dancing Down The Avenue 04:22
       7'Single Mix ©1979 T.K.Disco

08. Sherman Hunter - Dancing Down The Avenue 05:23
       Bo Crane & Jerry Masters Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

09. Silver Blue - We Got Love On Our Side 06:22
       12''Mix Extended Disco Version ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. Skybirst - What They're Doing Downtown 03:20
       7’Single Edit Mix ©1979 Electric Cat Records

11. Sound Experience - Where Has Your Love Gone 06:15
       A Tom Moulton Mix ©1976 Shield Records

12. Stevo - Party Night 04:12
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

13. Stevo - Pay The Price 05:02
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

14. Friday, Saturday And Sunday - There Must Be Something 03:09
       7'Single ©1971 Dig Records

CD-28   Time: 79:29

01. Tempest Trio - Love Machine 08:24
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 Marlin Records

02. The Controllers - I Can't Turn The Boogie Loose 06;24
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

03. The Controllers - I Can't Turn The Boogie Loose 06:46
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

04. Sundray Tucker - If It Was Me 04:07
       12''Mix Alternate Version ©1981 ©2004 TK Records

05. Sundray Tucker - If It Was Me 04:05
       12''Mix Extended Remix ©1981 ©2004 TK Records

06. Tamiko Jones - Let It Flow 06:51
       A Tom Moulton Mix ©1976 T.K.Disco

07. Ted Taylor - Ghetto Disco 06:59
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Records

08. The Brooklyn All-Stars - Found A Friend 05:33
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Gospel Roots Records

09. The Dealers - Love Maker 06:34
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

10. The Facts Of Life - Uphill Peace Of Mind 03:55
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 T.K.Records

11. The Imperials - Fast Freddie The Roller Disco King 06:13
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

12. The Imperials - I Just Wanna Be Your Lovin' Man 04:27
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

13. D'Menace - Deep Menace Spank 09:13
       Joey Negro's One Way Mix ©1997 ZYX Music

CD-29 -T-Connection-    Time: 76:45

01. T-Connection - At Midnight 10:18
       Cory Wade Extended Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco

02. T-Connection - At Midnight 06:59
       Doug DeAngelis Faithful Remix ©1978 ©1994 T.K.Disco

03. T-Connection - At Midnight 08:24
       Pied Piper Uptown Redux Mix ©1978 T.K.Disco

04. T-Connection - At Midnight 08:03
       Danny Tenaglia Raw Remix ©1978 ©1994 T.K.Disco

05. T-Connection - Disco Magic 07:35
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco C.Wade, T.Coakley

06. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 07:32
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

07. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 06:41
       12''Mix Politics Of Dancing Disco Dub Edit ©1977 T.K.Disco

08. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 06:54
       Full Intention Extended Remix ©1977 ©2006 T.K.Disco

09. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 09:09
       John Morales Extended Mix ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 05:09
       Tommy Musto & V.Simonelli What Ya Wanna Sample Remix ©77 ©94 T.K.Records

CD-30   Time: 79:06

01. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 09:00
       John Morales Instrumental Mix ©1977 T.K.Disco

02. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 08:15
       Long Main Vocal Remix ©1977 ©1994 TK Records

03. T-Connection - Let Yourself Go 05:07
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

04. T-Connection - Midnight Train 07:21
       12''Mix Extended Re-Edit ©1978 ©2011 TK Records

05. T-Connection - Midnight Train 08:59
       Greg Womack ReWork ©1978 T.K.Records

06. T-Connection - On Fire Getting Hire 07:24
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

07. T-Connection - Saturday Night 06:54
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

08. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 08:03
       Pied Piper Special Mix ©1977 ©2014 T.K.Disco

09. The Jimmy Castor Bunch - Bertha Butt Encounters Vadar 05:59
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

10. Marti - Hey Love 06:19
       Bo Crane & Jerry Masters Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco

11. Garcia's Super Funk - I Didn't Know That You Could Dance 05:44
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

CD-31   Time: 79:33

01. Tommy Tate - Let Me Entertain You 07:09
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1981 Juana Records

02. Tommy Tate - Let Me Entertain You 04:41
       Full Lenght Album ©1981 Juana Records

03. Tony Middleton - Lady Fingers 05:19
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco

04. The J.B.'s - Georgia Peach Disco 10:07
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Drive Records

05. The J.B.'s - Rock 04:31
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Drive Records

06. The J.B.'s - Rock Groove Machine 09:02
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 Drive Records

07. The J.B.'s Feat.Maxxi - Just Wanna Make You Dance 08:07
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Drive Records

08. The Lovers - Discomania 06:21
       12''Mix Instrumental ©1977 T.K.Disco

09. The Neil Cloud Orchestra - Time Of The Seasons 07:00
       Mike Arato & Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

10. The Neil Cloud Orchestra - Time Of The Seasons 07:58
       Mike Arato & Steve Thompson Instrumental Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

11. The Stylistics - The Lion Sleeps Tonight 05:22
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

12. Universal Love - It's You Girl 03:44
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

CD-32   Time: 78:14

01. The Ritchie Family - The Best Disco In Town 06:35
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 Marlin Records

02. The Ritchie Family - The Best Disco In Town 10:25
       Greg Womack ReWork ©1976 Marlin Records

03. The Ritchie Family - Life Is Music 04:51
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

04. The Ritchie Family - African Queens 06:04
       Medley ©1977 Marlin Records

05. The Ritchie Family - American Generation 06:58
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 Marlin Records

06. The Ritchie Family - American Generation 06:16
       Long Club Shake Remix ©1978 ©1997 Marlin Records

07. The Ritchie Family - Arabian Nights 14:25
       Album Medley ©1976 Marlin Records

08. The Ritchie Family - Lady Luck 07:31
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

09. True Image - Secret Lover 05:20
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

10. Ultrafunk - Gotham City Boogie 05:30
         12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco

11. Ultrafunk - Indigo Country 04:17
       12''Mix Extended ©1976 T.K.Disco

CD-33   Time: 78:05

01. Uncle Louie - I Like Funky Music 05:35
       Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 Marlin Records

02. Uncle Louie - Full Tilt Boogie 04:00
       Slynk & Stickybuds Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

03. Uncle Louie - Full Tilt Boogie 06:57
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

04. Wilson Pickett - The Best Part Of A Man 03:08
       7'Single ©1975 Wicked Records

05. J.J. Barnes - How Long 05:10
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

06. Mad Dog Fire Department - Cosmic Funk 06:39
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 T.K.Disco

07. Wildflower - Harlem Nocturne 05:14
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

08. Wizdom - At The Disco Dance 06:50
       Mike Arato & Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

09. Wanda Star Williams - Mr. U.F.O. 06:13
       12''Mix Extended ©1980 T.K.Records

10. Universal Love - Moon Ride 07:24
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

11. Brand New - Thousand Years 03:34
       7'Single ©1976 Du-Vern Records

12. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 09:00
       Pied Piper NuJazz Samba Regroove ©1972 ©2014 Glades Records

13. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 08:20
       Pied Piper NuJazz Regroove ©1972 ©2014 Glades Records

CD-34 -Timmy Thomas-   Time: 73:54

01. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 06:48
       Ben Liebrand DMC Remix ©1972 ©1986 TK Records

02. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 04:36
       Full Lenght Album ©1972 Glades Records

03. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 04:54
       Together Lasting Peace Remix ©1972 TK Records

04. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 05:35
       Midnight Mash-Up Re-Edit ©1972 T.K.Records

05. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 04:17
       Henry Yori Remix ©1972 ©1990 TK Records

06. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 07:20
       Enrico Sartini & Maltese Experience Remix ©1972 ©2014 TK Records

07. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 07:19
       Enrico Sartini & Maltese Experience Vocal Remix ©1972 ©2014 T.K.Records

08. Timmy Thomas - Africano 07:50
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

09. Timmy Thomas - Africano 04:44
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

10. Timmy Thomas - Are You Crazy Pt 1 03:25
       7'Single ©1981 Marlin Records

11. Timmy Thomas - Freak In, Freak Out 04:06
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

12. Timmy Thomas - Stone To The Bone 04:37
       7'Single Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 Glades Records

13. Timmy Thomas - Touch To Touch 04:45
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

14. Timmy Thomas - You're The Song I've Always Wanted To Sing 03:37
       Full Lenght Album ©1972 Glades Records

CD-35 -Voyage-   Time: 79:16

01. Voyage - From East To West 09:19
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

02. Voyage - From East To West 07:38
       Extended USA Club 12''Mix ©1977 T.K.Disco

03. Voyage - From East To West 08:08
       Extended USA Club 12''Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

04. Voyage - I Love You Dancer 09;47
       Re-Edit Version ©1980 Marlin Records

05. Voyage - I Love You Dancer 05:36
       LP Guitar Version ©1980 Marlin Records

06. Voyage - I Love You Dancer 05:41
       Instrumental Version ©1980 Marlin Records

07. Voyage - Lady America 06:19
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

08. Voyage - Lady America 06:43
       12''Mix Instrumental ©1978 Marlin Records

09. Voyage - Point Zero 05:02
       12''Mix Extended [Sunny-Re-Fix] ©1977 Marlin Records

10. Voyage - Point Zero 05:33
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 Marlin Records

11. Voyage - Point Zero 04:24
       Instrumental Version ©1977 Marlin Records

12. Voyage - Scotch Machine 05:04
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

CD-36   Time: 77:46

01. Voyage - Souvenirs 07:40
       12''Mix Extended Re-Edit Version ©1978 T.K.Disco

02. Voyage - Souvenirs 07:06
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 T.K.Disco

03. Voyage - Souvenirs 06:26
       Steve Algozino Pitched Up Hot Tracks Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco

04. Voyage - Souvenirs 08:15
       Steve Algozino Hot Tracks Remix ©1978 T.K.Disco

05. Voyage - Tahiti Tahiti 05:39
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Marlin Records

06. USA European Connection - Come Into My Heart / Good Loving 07:35
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 T.K.Disco

07. USA European Connection - Come Into My Heart / Good Loving 14:53
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 T.K.Disco

08. USA European Connection - There's A Way Into My Heart 10:06
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 T.K.Disco

09. USA-European Connection - I'd Like To Get Closer Do Me Good 10:05
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 Marlin Records

CD-37   Time: 77:23

01. Wild Honey - At The Top Of The Stairs 09:43
       12''Mix Extended Lary Sanders Edit ©1976 T.K.Disco

02. Wild Honey - At The Top Of The Stairs 07:18
       12''Mix Extended Part 1& 2 ©1976 T.K.Disco

03. Wild Honey - Let's Dance 06:28
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 T.K.Disco

04. Willie 'Beaver' Hale - Groove On 07:23
       12''Mix Extended Re-Work Version ©1980 T.K.Disco

05. Willie 'Beaver' Hale - Groove On 06:01
       12''Mix Extended ©1980 T.K.Disco

06. Wizzdom - Free Bass 07:28
       Amos Larkins Jr. & Willie Clarke Mix ©1980 T.K.Disco

07. Paco And Flaco - He's Here 06:15
       Bill Kelly Mix ©1980 T.K.Disco

08. Beginning Of The End - Super Woman 05:05
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Alston Records

09. Formula 1 - Walking With My Eyes Closed 03:01
       7'Single ©2015 Athens Of The North Records

10. Jimmy ''Bo'' Horne - Hey There Jim 02:36
       7'Single ©1975 Dig Records

11. Jimmy ''Bo'' Horne - If You Want My Love 02:30
       7'Single ©1972 Alston Records

12. Milton Wright - The Silence That You Keep 03:25
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 Alston Records

13. Raw Soul Express - The Way We Live 03:41
       7'Single Mix ©1977 Cat Records

14. Raphael Munnings - Sleep On, Dream On 03:08
       Full Lenght Album ©1971 Alston Records

15. Stevens & Foster - I Want To Be Love 03:20
       7'Single ©1977 Jerri Records

CD-38   Time: 78:55

01. Hokis Pokis - Nowhere Danny 05:33
       Krivit Re-Edit Version ©1975 Shield Records

02. Hokis Pokis - Nowhere 06:07
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 Shield Records

03. Gibson Brothers - Heaven 07:19
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

04. Ron Louis Smith II - Party Freaks Come On 05:11
       Mike Maurro Mix ©2015 Sunpire Records

05. Ron Louis Smith II - Party Freaks Come On 05:10
       Instrumental Version ©2015 Sunpire Records

06. Kebekelektrik - Magic Fly 05:57
       12’’Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 T.K.Disco

07. The Armada Orchestra - For The Love Of The Money 06:30
       12''Mix Extended ©1977 T.K.Disco

08. Mike Anthony - Why Can't We Live Together 07:29
       12''Mix Extended Sunny-Re-Work ©1982 SunnyView Records

09. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Party Freaks 02:53
       Full Lenght Album Vocal ©1974 Drive Records

10. Miami Feat.Robert Moore - Party Freaks Pt 2 02:36
       Full Lenght Album Vocal ©1974 Drive Records

11. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 08:32
       Dj Pied Piper Joint Remix ©1979 T.K.Disco

12. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 07:48
       12''Mix Remastered Sunny-Re-Work ©1974 ©2013 T.K.Records

13. George McCrae - I Get Lifted 07:48
       12''Mix Remastered Sunny-Re-Work ©1974 ©2013 T.K.Records

CD-39 Continuing T.K. Medley & KC Megamix  Time: 75:42

01. Continuing T.K. Medley 22:13
Mixed By Ben Liebrand ©1982 CBS Records

01. Peter Brown Feat.Betty Wright - Dance With Me ©1977 T.K.Records 2:10
02. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me ©1977 T.K. Disco 1:23
03. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby ©1974 T.K.Records 1:32
04. Jimmy ''Bo'' Horne - Dance Across The Floor ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco 1:39
05. T-Connection - Saturday Night ©1979 T.K. Disco 1:41
06. T-Connection - At Midnight ©1978 T.K. Disco 2:19
07. T-Connection - Do What Ya Wanna Do ©1977 T.K. Disco 1:39
08. Jimmy ''Bo'' Horne - Spank ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco 1:23
09. Foxy - Get Off ©1978 T.K. Disco 1:47
10. Foxy - Party Boys ©1979 T.K. Disco 2:03
11. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell ©1978 T.K. Disco 1:28
12. Peter Brown - Crank It Up Funk Town ©1979 T.K. Disco 1:27
13. Peter Brown - Can't Be Love - Do It To Me Anyway ©1980 T.K. Disco 1:41


Megamix 01: Mixed By SilverDj 05:58
                         ©2015 T.K.Records

14. That's The Way I Like It ©1975 TK Records 1:45
15. Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty ©1976 TK Records 1:08
16. Get Down Tonight ©1975 T.K.Records PN 0:35
17. I’m Your Boogie Man ©1976 TK Records 0:54
18. Keep It Comin’ Love ©1976 TK Records 1:35

Megamix 02: KC Megamix Remix 21:52
                               Remixed By Albert Cabrera Mixed By Stefano SunnyDeejay
                               ©2015 T.K.Records

19. I’m Your Boogie Man A.Cabrera RMX ©1976 TK Records 2:24
20. Get Down Tonight A.Cabrera RMX ©1975 TK Records 2:08
21. That's The Way I Like It A.Cabrera RMX ©1975 TK Records 1:28
22. I Get Lifted A.Cabrera RMX ©1975 TK Records 2:06
23. Keep It Comin’ Love A.Cabrera RMX ©1976 TK Records 1:01
24. Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty A.Cabrera RMX ©1976 TK Records 1:43
25. Shotgun Shuffle A.Cabrera RMX ©1975 TK Records 1:34
26. I Like To Do It A.Cabrera RMX ©1976 TK Records 1:10
27. Wrap Your Arms Around Me A.Cabrera RMX ©1976 TK Records 1:27
28. Boogie Shoes A.Cabrera RMX ©1975 TK Records 0:41
29. Do You Wanna Go Party A.Cabrera RMX ©1979 TK Records 1:07
30. Give It Up A.Cabrera RMX ©1982 Sunshine Sound Disco 1:43
31. Please Don't Go A.Cabrera RMX ©1979 TK Records 3:22

Megamix 03: KC Unreleased Megamix 17:31
                         ©1999 T.K.Records

32. Sound Your Funky Horn ©1973 TK Records 1:47
33. Boogie Shoes ©1975 TK Records 1:10
34. That's The Way I Like It ©1975 TK Records 1:44
35. Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty ©1976 TK Records 1:10
36. Get Down Tonight ©1975 T.K.Records 1:10
37. I’m Your Boogie Man ©1976 TK Records 0:55
38. Keep It Comin’ Love ©1976 TK Records 1:11
39. That's The Way I Like It ©1975 TK Records 2:42
40. Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty ©1976 TK Records 1:34
41. Get Down Tonight ©1975 T.K.Records 2:12
42. Give It Up ©1982 Sunshine Sound Disco 1:57

Megamix 04: The Official Megamix 08:06
                         ©1999 ZYX Records

43. The Official Bootleg Remix ©1999 ZYX Records 8:06

CD-40 T.K. Disco In The Mix Mixed By Greg Womack Time: 79:21

01. Peter Brown - Burning Love Breakdown 03:36
       The Beat Broker Slow Burn Extended Mix ©1977 T.K. Disco

02. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 03:51
       Peter Visti Re-Edit ©1972 T.K.Records

03. Celi Bee And The Buzzy Bunch - Closer Closer 03:31
       Disco Push Edit-De-Luxe ©1978 T.K. Disco

04. T-Connection - Midnight Train 04:04
       Greg Womack ReWork ©1978 T.K.Records

05. Eli's Second Coming - Love Chant 04:01
       Jski Extended Re-Work ©1977 Silver Blue Records

06. Peter Brown Feat.Betty Wright - You Should Do It 03:37
       Greg Womack ReWork ©1978 Drive Records

07. George McCrae - I Ain't Lyin 03:03
       Jski Extended Remix ©1975 T.K.Records

08. Foxy - Tena's Song 04:08
       JMJ Edit ©1978 T.K. Disco

09. KC And The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 04:28
       The Metaphysical's Keep Virginia Common Law Edit ©1980 TK Records

10. Jimmy ''Bo'' Horne - Dance Across The Floor 04:21
       12''Mix Apple Scruffs Re-Edit ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

11. Voyage - I Love You Dancer 03:44
       Extended Re-Edit ©1980 Marlin Records

12. Celi Bee And The Buzzy Bunch - Superman 04:55
       Victor Rosado ReEdit ©1977 T.K. Disco

13. Gregg Diamond - Star Cruiser 06:30
       Jonny Meek Extended Edit ©1978 T.K.Records

14. Beautiful Bend - Boogie Motion 07:10
       Chris Baron Happy Disco Extended Mix ©1978 T.K. Disco

15. Foxy - Party Boys 05:09
       Remix Version ©1979 T.K. Disco

16. Gregg Diamond - This Side Of Midnight 05:12
       Lary Sanders Re-Edit ©1978 T.K. Disco

17. Voyage - Souvenirs 04:08
       Instrumental And Vocal Remix ©1978 T.K. Disco

18. Foxy - Get Off 03:52
       Disco Purrfection Remix ©1978 T.K. Disco

CD-41   Time: 62:40 -UPDATE 2017-

01. Amant - Hazy Shades Of Love 08:57
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1978 TK Disco

02. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 05:56
       12''Inch Extended Richie Rivera Bootleg Remix ©1979 TK Disco

03. Arnold Albury - Funky Yolk 02:57
       7'Single Sunny-Re-Work ©1970 Dade Records

04. Betty Wright - Where Is The Love 05:58
       Full Lenght Album Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1974 Aliston Records

05. Clarence Reid - Till I Get My Share 02:27
       7'Single ©1973 Alston Records

06. Cosa Rica Band - Baila 05:30
       12''Mix Extended ©1978 TK Disco

07. Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Ring My Bell 05:25
       12''Inch Extended Mr.Lee's MIx ©1991 Jive Records

08. Eddie Horan - Can't Do Without You 04:37
       Full Lenght Album ©1978 TK Records

09. F.A.T. Eric ''Fat'' Gallon - Doing Bad 03:40
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 Bold Records

10. F.A.T. Eric ''Fat'' Gallon - Life Is A Beautiful Thing 03:11
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 Bold Records

11. F.A.T. Eric ''Fat'' Gallon - Magician Man 03:38
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 Bold Records

12. Foxy - People Fall In Love While Dancing 04:51
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1976 TK Disco

13. Freddie And The Kinfolk - Mashed Potato Pop Corn 02:49
       7'Single ©1969 Dade Records

14. Freddie Scott - Same Old Beat 02:41
       7'Single ©1970 Marlin Records
CD-42   Time: 76:00 -UPDATE 2017-

01. George McCrae - I Can't Leave You Alone 04:44
       12''Inch Extended Cem Oral Remix ©1992 Dance Street Records

02. George McCrae - I Can't Leave You Alone 05:24
       12''Inch Extended Cem Oral Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1992 Dance Street Records

03. George McCrae - Rock My No 1's 06:28
       [ I Can't Leave You Alone, Rock Your Baby, It's Been So Long ]
       Cem Oral Mix ©1992 Dance Street Records

04. Gwen McCrae Feat.KC And The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 05:03
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Fix ©2006 ©1976 HSM Records

05. James Brown - Funk On Ah Roll 03:48
       Original JB MIx ©1998 Private I Records

06. James Brown - Rapp Payback 12:53
       12''Inch Extended Pied Piper Remix ©1980 TK Records

07. Jerry Washington - Don’T Waste My Time 03:39
       7'Single ©1976 Glades Records

08. Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In & Dance Across The Floor 09:03
       12''Inch Extended Peter Vriends Floor Mix ©1986 Streetheat Records

09. Jimmy Bo Horne - Jimmy's Miami Vice Megamix 11:41
       Mixed By Peter Vriends Sunny-Correct Mix ©1986 Streetheat Records

10. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 05:49
       12''Inch Extended George Kelly Remix ©2016 ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

11. Jimmy McGriff - Tailgunner 07:28
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Edit ©2016 ©1978 TK Disco
CD-43   Time: 62:44 -UPDATE 2017-

01. Foxy - Rrrrrrock 09:59
       12''Inch Extended Ish Ledesma Mix Womack Re-Work ©1979 TK Disco

02. Funky Nassau - Bahama Soul Stew 05:38
       7'Single Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1972 Drive Records

03. Jo Bisso - Love Somebody 08:15
       12''Inch Dominique Do Espirito Santo Mix Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1978 Marlin Records

04. KC And The Sunshine Band - Shake, Shake, Shake Shake Your Booty 02:14
       EP Shake Essential Remix ©1976 TK Records

05. KC And The Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes 01:48
       Albert Cabrera Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 TK Records

06. KC And The Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes 03:57
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 TK Records

07. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Like To Do It 05:32
       12''inch Extended Dave Gerrard Edit ©1976 TK Recors

08. KC And The Sunshine Band - I Like To Do It 04:13
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1976 TK Records

09. Latimore Feat.Betty Wright - Goodbye Heartache 06:15
       12''Mix Extended ©1979 TK Disco

10. Leno Phillips - I Like My Birdie 03:24
       7'Single ©1976 Dash Records

11. Madeline Bell - That's The Way I Like It 04:09
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Pye Records

12. Mona Lisa - They Don't Know 02:25
       7'Single ©1966 Dade Records

13. Peter Brown - For Your Love 04:55
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1977 Drive Records
CD-44   Time: 70:45 -UPDATE 2017-

01. Funky Party Band - Too Much Funk Ain't Good For Ya' 03:42
       7'Single ©1974 Drive Records

02. Ralph MacDonald - The Path 10:47
       Full Lenght Album Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1978 Marlin Records

03. Ritchie Family - Summer Dance 06:54
       Full Lenght Album Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1977 Marlin Records

04. T Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 06:55
       12''Inch Extended Full Intention Remix ©2006 ©1977 TK Disco

05. Ted Taylor - Somebody’s Gettin’ It 02:56
       7'Single ©1976 Alarm Record

06. The Beginning Of The End - Come On Baby 05:45
       7'Single Part I e II ©1971 Aliston Records

07. The Beginning Of The End - That's What I Get 06:53
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1977 Alston Records

08. The Believers - Across The Track Pts.1&2 06:24
       7'Single ©1970 Brownstone Records

09. The Funky Bunch - Miami Funk 03:48
       7'Single ©1975 Henry Stone Music

10. The Stylistics - Fly 06:06
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1978 TK Disco

11. Timmy Thomas - Ebony Affair 03:43
       Full Lenght Album ©1975 Glades Records

12. Wild Honey - At The Top Of The Stairs 06:53
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1976 TK Disco
CD-45 -Danny Krivit Mr.K TK Records In The Mix-   Time: 76:54 -UPDATE 2017-

01. Peter Brown - For Your Love 04:29
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1977 Drive Records

02. Brandye - Curiosity 04:46
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1978 TK Disco

03. Tamiko Jones - Let It Flow 05:19
       12''Inch Extended A Tom Moulton Mix ©1976 TK Disco

04. Miami - Chicken Yellow 01:45
       Full Lenght Album ©1974 Drive Records

05. Fern Kinney - Groove Me 08:43
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 TK Disco

06. Paulette Reaves - It's In Me 03:47
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 PIP Records

07. Eli's Second Coming - Love Chant 03:36
       Full Lenght Album ©1976 Silver Blue Records

08. Ralph MacDonald - The Path 02:48
       Full Lenght Album Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1978 Marlin Records

09. Ralph MacDonald - Jam On The Groove 06:31
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1977 TK Disco

10. Queen Samantha - Take A Chance 04:19
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 TK Disco

11. Hokis Pokis - Nowhere 05:09
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1975 Shield Records

12. Betty Wright - Where Is The Love 05:37
       Full Lenght Album Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1974 Aliston Records

13. Quartz - Beyond The Clouds 02:58
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1978 TK Disco

14. Modern Sound Corporation - Safari Part II 10:00
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

15. Wild Honey - At The Top Of The Stairs 07:07
       12''Inch Extended Danny Krivit Re-Edit ©1976 TK Disco
CD-46   Time: 72:36 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell0 03:40
       7'Single '00 Edit Remix ©1978 TK Disco

02. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 03:46
       7'Single '90 Sanny-X Mega Remix ©1979 TK Disco

03. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 05:11
       12''Inch Extended 9''Inch Remix ©1979 TK Disco

04. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 07:02
       12''Inch Extended '00 Remix ©1978 TK Disco

05. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 04:34
       12''Inch Extended '00 Ringo My Bell Mix ©1978 TK Disco

06. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 04:36
       12''Inch Extended '00 Ringo My Bell Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 TK Disco

07. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 06:21
       12''Inch Extended '90 Sanny-X Mega Remix ©1979 TK Disco

08. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 04:58
       12''Inch Extended Funkstar De Luxe Remix ©1979 TK Disco

09. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell 07:31
       12''Inch Extended Oscar Lopez Retro Remix ©1979 TK Disco

10. Barbara Jean English - If It Feels This Good 03:49
       7'Single ©1976 TK Records

11. Bobby Caldwell - Down For The Third Time 06:47
       Joey Negro Down For The Fourth Time Edit ©1978 Clouds Records

12. Clarence Reid - Baptize Me In Your Love 07:43
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 Alston Records

13. Daddy Dewdrop - The Real Thing 06:36
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 TK Disco
CD-47   Time: 75:19 -UPDATE 2018-

01. D-Menace - Spank Deep Menace 07:27
       Joey Negro One Way Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1997 ZYX Music

02. Eli's Second Coming - Love Chant 06:42
       Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 Silver Blue Records By TK Records

03. Fern Kinney - Groove Me 06:22
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Fix ©1978 TK Disco

04. Foxy - Get Off 05:34
       12''Inch Extended Powerhouse Mix ©1978 TK Disco

05. Foxy - Party Boys 10:29
       12''Inch Extended Disconet Remix ©1980 TK Disco

06. Foxy - The Way You Do The Things You Do 08:24
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1976 TK Disco

07. French Kiss - Panic And Right Combination (Suite) 17:15
       12''Inch Extended Disconet Remix ©1979 TK Records

08. George McCrae - Can't Leave You Alone 04:55
       Scratch And Sniffs Re-Rub Sunny-Re-Work ©1974 TK Records

09. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 04:21
       12''Inch Extended '00 Phunk Revision Mix ©1974 TK Records

10. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 03:49
       12''Inch Extended Paul Hardcastle Remix ©1974 TK Records
CD-48   Time: 75:16 -UPDATE 2018-

01. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 06:50
       12''Inch Extended Remastered Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1974 TK Records

02. George McCrae - You Don't Know 06:59
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Reformavit Edit ©1978 TK Records

03. Gwen McCrae - Jazz Freak 05:37
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 TK Records

04. Gwen McCrae - Move Me Baby 05:50
       12''Inch Extended '16 Danny Krivit Edit ©1974 Cat Records

05. Gwen McCrae - Rockin' Chair 07:17
       12''Inch Extended PROMO Mix ©1975 TK Records

06. Jackie Moore - Who's Next, Who's Now 05:44
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1981 TK Disco

07. Jimmy Bo Horne - Dance Across The Floor 04:15
       '91 Stefano Secchi Remix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Records

08. Jimmy Bo Horne - Gimme Some 02:24
       '18 Regroove Edit Sunny-Reformavit ©1977 TK Disco

09. Jimmy Bo Horne - Gimme Some 03:47
       7'Single Archi Remix ©1977 TK Disco

10. Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 10:32
       12''Inch Extended '11 Bootleg Re-Edit ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco

11. Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 03:45
       12''Inch Extended '00 Remix ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco

12. Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 05:16
       Extended Dj-S Bootleg Dance Re-Mix ©1980 Sunshine Sound Disco

13. Jimmy Bo Horne - Let Me (Let Me Be Your Lover) 06:58
       Dr Funkenstein Deadly Regroove Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 TK Records
CD-49   Time: 75:32 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 05:14
       '18 Dimitri From Paris Classic Re-Edit ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

02. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 04:10
       12''Inch Extended '80 Remix ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

03. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 07:07
       '89 Tolga Balkan Party Remix ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

04. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 08:23
       Acetate Instrumental Remix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

05. Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 07:40
       Mike & Tess Edit Mix ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

06. Jimmy Bo Horne - You Get Me Hot 06:12
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

07. John Tropea - Livin' In The Jungle 07:22
       Michael Barbiero Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 TK Disco

08. Julius Green - Rock Your Baby 04:29
       7'Single Ben Liebrand Mix ©1982 Ariola Records

09. Kat Mandu - The Break 08:14
       12''Inch Extended '85 Denis Lepage Remix ©1979 TK Disco

10. Kat Mandu - The Break 08:04
       12''Inch Extended '85 Denis Lepage Remix II ©1979 TK Disco

11. Kat Mandu - The Break 08:38
       12''Inch Extended Michael Barbiero Mix ©1979 TK Disco
CD-50   Time: 75:25 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Jimmy Bo Horne - I Get Lifted 04:15
       Full Lenght Album Remastered ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

02. Kat Mandu - The Break 08:02
       12''Inch Extended Steve Thompson Remix ©1979 TK Disco

03. KC & The Sunshine Band - Do You Wanna Go Party 07:28
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

04. KC & The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 05:27
       12''Inch Extended Funk Remix ©1975 TK Records

05. KC & The Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight 06:19
       Funk Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 TK Records

06. KC & The Sunshine Band - Give it Up 04:03
       Extended Beats Re-Edit ©1982 Sunshine Sound Disco

07. KC & The Sunshine Band - I Get Lifted 07:10
       12''Inch Extended '09 Todd Terje Edit ©1975 TK Records

08. KC & The Sunshine Band - I Get Lifted 04:51
       Dj-S Extended Dance Re-Mix ©1975 TK Records

09. KC & The Sunshine Band - I Will Love You Tomorrow 04:13
       Bootleg Remix Sunny-Reformavit ©1976 TK Records

10. KC & The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 04:51
       12''Inch Extended '17 Todd Terje Edit ©1976 TK Records

11. KC & The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man 03:40
       Full Lenght Album Ricklodi Re-Edit ©1977 TK Records

12. KC & The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 06:02
       Metaphysical's Keep Virginia Common Law Edit ©1976 TK Records

13. KC & The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 05:06
       Hot Classics Remix Sunny-Reformavit ©1980 TK Records
CD-51   Time: 75:32 -UPDATE 2018-

01. KC & The Sunshine Band - Keep It Comin' Love 03:56
       Hot Classics Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1980 TK Records

02. KC & The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 04:58
       Extended Ultrasound Version ©1979 TK Records

03. KC & The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 03:25
       Full Lenght Album Bootleg Remix ©1979 TK Records

04. KC & The Sunshine Band - Thats The Way (I Like It) 05:14
       Albert Cabrera Remix Sunny-Re-Fix ©1975 TK Records

05. Margaret Reynolds - Keep On Holding On 06:34
       '18 Joey Negro Play Out Edit ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

06. Margaret Reynolds - Keep On Holding On 07:31
       Bill Motley Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

07. Michael Boothman Touch - What You Won't Do For Love 11:06
       Extended PROMO Brandon Hocura Mix ©1980 Touch Production Records

08. Paul Lewis - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 07:14
       12''Inch Extended MIx Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

09. Paul Lewis - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 06:59
       12''Inch Extended Remastered MIx ©1979 Sunshine Sound Disco

10. Paul Lewis - Inner City Blues 07:25
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Sunshine Sound Disco

11. Paulette Reaves - It's In Me 05:3
       George Chocolate Perry Remix ©1979 PIP By TK Records

12. Paulette Reaves - Jazz Freak 05:31
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 TK Records
CD-52   Time: 71:28 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Peter Brown - Crank It Up (Funk Town) 06:40
       ElMambro Remix Sunny-Re-Work ©1979 TK Disco

02. Peter Brown - Dance With Me 05:18
       12''Inch Extended Club Mix ©1977 TK Records

03. Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me 07:00
       12''Inch Extended Cory Wade Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1977 TK Disco

04. Queen Samantha - Don't Stop I Feel Good 06:32
       Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 Marlin Records

05. Queen Samantha - Sweet San Fransisco 05:07
       12''Inch Extended Disconet Remix ©1978 Marlin Records

06. Queen Samantha - The Letter 07:13
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 TK Disco

07. Ralph MacDonald - Calypso Breakdown 08:22
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Work ©1976 TK Disco

08. Ralph Macdonald - Jam On The Groove 05:59
       12''Inch Extended '16 Danny Krivit Edit ©1977 TK Disco

09. Ritchie Family - The Best Disco In Town 07:29
       12''Inch Extended '87 Remix ©1976 Marlin Records

10. Ron Louis Smith II - Shift It Higher 05:58
       12''Inch Extended J-Ski Mix ©2017 Sunpire Records

11. Roy Ayers - What You Won't Do For Love 05:50
       Full Lenght Album ©1979 Polydor Records
CD-53   Time: 73:15 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Sound Experience - J.P. Walk 07:06
       Extended Acetate A Tom Moulton Mix ©1976 Shield Records

02. Sound Experience - Where Has Your Love Gone 06:15
       Extended Acetate A Tom Moulton Mix ©1976 Shield Records

03. Sunshine Band - Black Water Gold 03:36
       7'Single Re-Edit Sunny-Reformavit ©1978 TK Records

04. Sunshine Band - Black Water Gold 04:01
       12''Inch Extended Sunshine Sound Acetate Edit ©1978 TK Records

05. Sunshine Band - Hey J 03:48
       Full Lenght Album Sunny-Re-Work ©1975 TK Records

06. T-Connection - At Midnight 07:16
       12''Inch Extended '08 Trippin' South Beach Mix ©1978 TK Disco

07. T-Connection - At Midnight 06:12
       12''Inch Extended '18 Nightime Fantasy Mix ©1978 TK Disco

08. T-Connection - At Midnight 05:10
       12''Inch Extended Disconet Remix ©1978 TK Disco

09. T-Connection - At Midnight 05:52
       12''Inch Extended Soulhealer Cuts Mix ©1978 TK Disco

10. T-Connection – Cush 06:06
       Full Lenght Album ©1977 TK Records

11. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 08:09
       12''Inch Extended '15 Kon's Keep It Moving Mix ©1977 TK Disco

12. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do 05:29
       12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Fix ©1977 TK Disco

13. T-Connection - Midnight Train 04:15
       Instrumental Re-Edit Sunny-Re-Work ©1978 TK Records
CD-54   Time: 71:09 -UPDATE 2018-

01. Ted Taylor - Ghetto Disco 06:59
       12''Inch Extended '18 Norman Jay Edit ©1977 TK Disco

02. Tempest Trio - Do You Like The Way That It Feels 06:13
       12''Inch Extended Mix ©1979 Marlin Records

03. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 03:31
       '90 Paul Dakeyne Armageddon Remix ©1972 Glades Records

04. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 03:57
       '90 Paul Dakeyne Stand Up For The Love Edit Remix ©1972 Glades Records

05. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 06:56
       '18 Late Nite Tuff Guy No More War Rework ©1972 Glades Records

06. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 03:26
       '90 Paul Dakeyne Saxophone Remix ©1972 Glades Records

07. Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together 07:10
       '90 Paul Dakeyne Stand Up For Love Recording Remix ©1972 Glades Rec.

08. Ultrafunk - Indigo Country 05:04
       12''Inch Extended Petko Turner Inthenino Edit ©1976 TK Disco

09. Voyage - I Love You Dancer 06:16
       '18 The Reflex Revision Instrumental Edit ©1980 Marlin Records

10. Voyage - Souvenirs 06:35
       12''Inch Extended Drum Sync Mix ©1979 Marlin Records

11. Voyage - Souvenirs 04:49
12''Inch Extended Mix Sunny-Re-Fix ©1978 TK Disco (Voyage)

12. Voyage - Souvenirs 10:12
       12''Inch Extended PROMO Long Mix ©1979 Marlin Records

Ecco le tre puntate di Once Upon A Funk... che Stefano SunnyDeejay ha dedicato alla leggendaria T.K.Records. Più di 3 ore di musica estrapolata dai grandi successi dell'etichetta di Miami Florida, un tuffo nel passato del più entusiasmante Sunshine Sound.



Moltissimi brani del repertorio della T.K.Records li puoi ascoltare nel Podcats "Once Upon A Funk..." programma selezionato da Stefano SunnyDeejay e dedicato alle grandi Hits e Rarità Disco Funk delgli anni 70 e 80. Per accedere ai programmi già pubblicati clicca su ENTER e.... Buon Ascolto!!!

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